Education and Training

Draft document: Education and Training
Submitted by Anja Henner, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Commenting as an individual

Dear chairman, professor Vano It is very good that this kind of document has been written. In the document the importance of radiation protection is introduced very well and especially the imprtance of the specail groups (children, pregnant / in reproductive age women and those who are exposed very often). Especially I liked the list of RP of children. the role of the medical physicist has been rised quite high. And the role of radiographer is rather low or small. The radiographers are now very highly educated and they are the key persons who quite often work with the patient independently. In those situations (e.g. in projection or plain radiography and in CT) they are the persons who put the settings and optimise the dose according to the patient and the reason why the patient is in examination. I wish that in this document also the role of radiographers should be more highligted. The radiographers should have their own and important role also in this document. Another question about the education. In the document it is said that the educator is normally a medical physicist. Why? Also radiographers have master degrees and PhD. Usually they have also worked in clinical practice and that''s why they know it very well. I think that it is not very wise to mention only one group in this document to be as a educator. In Table 2 to my opinion to the radiographers'' education also the risks should be on high level as well as Quality control and quality assurance and national regulations and international standards. Dental nurse (lower level) and also dental hygienist (higher level education) Best regards, Anja Henner, Principal Lecturer, Radiographer, PhD in Health Sciences (Radiography)
